Monday 7 October 2024

EXCLUSIVE; Create & Craft Crisis: How much has Hochanda Global make since?

Media Boy UK HQ has found out the following about how much Hochanda Global make/loss since 2020*.

Year > LOSS
  • 2020 > £7,157,372
  • 2021 > £3,395,028
  • 2022 > 5,760,153 (When Hochanda Global took over C&C)
  • 2023 > No Accounts 

Total: LOSS £16,312,555.

*Note Hochanda Global Limited was known as Hochanda when company first started as The Craft Store TV. In 2015 to 2020 Hochanda also loss £19,452,460.

Media Boy UK FACT: Hochanda & Hochanda Global Limited has every only make any money - Way back in 2018 (When under Hochanda).